Kenney Signs DBA Relic Signs is a full service sign and wrap company based in San Diego, California. As a licensed contractor, we specialize in custom signage and wraps that help brand target audiences in order to set our client’s business apart. The team assists clients by designing unique visions, guiding in the permit, build, or wrap process, and helping set all parties up for financial success. Kenney Signs DBA Relic Signs was officially created in 2015, but acquired a previous company and staff that had been around since 2003. Our goal is to provide both a fantastic customer experience while exceeding expectations in quality and care. All of our staff has years of experience working in the sign or wrap industry.
Chief Executive Officer
Account Manager
Production Manager
Senior Installer
Kenney Signs DBA Relic Signs offers specialty design, contracting, manufacturing, and installation for every type of illuminated and non-illuminated signage as well as full service vehicle wraps and graphic needs.